Wolkie AI: Revolutionizing Audiovisual Content Analysis

Automate your processes and reduce project costs with Wolkie AI

Have you ever imagined being able to find any specific excerpt within a medium in your collection, without having to watch hours and hours of content? Have you ever imagined being able to recognize people, objects, scenes, and transcripts in your audiovisual files, without needing manual annotations? Have you ever imagined the journalist researching content and reusing materials much faster? Have you ever imagined being able to do all of this quickly, safely and efficiently, without the need for expensive and complex equipment or software?

We are pleased to announce the launch of Wolkie AI, a new technology that will bring a revolution in the way in which our clients interact and find content in their media. With the Wolkie AI, we are introducing an era of artificial intelligence applied to media management, allowing users to find specific excerpts within their media quickly and accurately.

The use of artificial intelligence in the audiovisual sector is not just a trend, but a necessity. According to Accenture research, 79% of media and entertainment executives say that artificial intelligence is fundamental to the success of their business. In addition, 75% of them say that artificial intelligence will increase revenue, efficiency, and innovation in their sector.

“A New Era of Generative AI for Everyone” https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/accenture-com/document/Accenture-A-New-Era-of-Generative-AI-for-Everyone.pdf

How Does Wolkie AI Work?

Wolkie AI offers a wide range of benefits, including ease of searching, organizing, analyzing, and retrieving archived material. With its advanced search capability, broadcasters can quickly locate specific clips in their media files, making it easy to reuse existing material in new stories, enrich reports with relevant archive images, and respond quickly to last-minute requests.

Wolkie AI - Object recognition

Examples of Use

Imagine a journalist who needs to find a specific line about a personality in a vast archive of videos. With Wolkie AI, he can simply search for the desired phrase and find all the exact moments in which that personality uttered it.

In the same way, a radio station can easily locate specific excerpts from a program, even without remembering the exact date of the broadcast. Artificial intelligence will identify the program and the exact moment when the excerpt was transmitted.

The launch of SORA technology was recently announced. With SORA, journalists and content producers will be able to create videos that connect directly with their reports, providing an engaging and immersive experience for the public. This innovation will offer new creative possibilities and expand the reach of audiovisual content.

Benefits for Our Clients

Wolkie AI offers a wide range of benefits for TV broadcasters and audio-visual content producers. Some of these benefits include:

Operational efficiency: With the ability to automatically identify and catalog audiovisual content, Wolkie AI allows broadcasters to save time and resources searching and organizing archived material. This increases operational efficiency and frees up resources for production and content creation activities.

Fast content retrieval: Thanks to the advanced search capability, broadcasters can quickly locate specific clips in their media files. This is especially useful for reusing existing material in new stories, enriching stories with relevant archive images, or responding quickly to last-minute requests.

Content personalization: By automatically identifying audiovisual content, Wolkie AI can help broadcasters offer personalized content to viewers based on their interests and preferences. This increases audience engagement and brand loyalty.

Improving content quality: By facilitating access to specific and relevant clips, Wolkie AI can help content producers create high-quality materials more easily. This includes the incorporation of archival images, excerpts from interviews, and other visual and sound elements that enrich the narrative.

Cost reduction: Automating the process of identifying and cataloging audiovisual content can help broadcasters reduce operating costs associated with labor and production time. This allows companies to reallocate resources to areas of higher priority and investment.

Main functionalities

Wolkie AI offers functionalities that are capable of drastically reducing manual labor in the content cataloging sector.

Facial Recognition: Wolkie AI's facial recognition streamlines the identification of people in videos, benefiting journalists and publishers by facilitating the search for specific interviews and scenes, improving efficiency and accuracy in audiovisual production.

Object Recognition: Wolkie AI's object recognition simplifies the location of visual elements in videos, helping videographers and editors organize and edit faster, resulting in dynamic and impactful audiovisual productions.

Smart Search: Wolkie AI's intelligent search transforms the way audiovisual professionals, such as researchers and documentary filmmakers, find content in their archives. With advanced search features, it is possible to quickly locate relevant information, speeding up analysis and production. This improves efficiency and accuracy, allowing for more effective and productive media management.

Transcript: Wolkie AI's automatic transcription allows a quick search for keywords in videos, benefiting screenwriters and editors in creating accurate and accessible captions, improving efficiency and communication in audiovisual content.

Scene Detection: Wolkie AI's scene detection automatically identifies different sequences in videos, helping cinematographers and editors navigate and organize content efficiently, optimizing the audiovisual creation process.

Wolkie AI - Transcript

In short, Wolkie AI represents a powerful tool for TV broadcasters and audiovisual content producers, offering significant benefits in terms of operational efficiency, content quality, and personalization of the viewer experience. These characteristics make Wolkie AI an indispensable tool for companies that seek to be competitive and that seek to keep their audience increasingly engaged.

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