How not to be fooled on Black Friday (audiovisual)

Life as a filmmaker isn't easy for many reasons, but one of the main ones is the cost of our beloved equipment. That's why, when Black Friday comes around, it's hard not to hear the mermaid call us for unmissable promotions.

So we put together a list with 5 tips on how not to be deceived on Black Friday and keep your money (and dignity) intact.

1. The one that's too good to be true

Miracle discounts should always be looked at with a closer eye. Remember that Black Friday is a way for companies to spawn products with excess inventory that will be obsolete in a short time.

Still, when it comes to technologies that require compatibility of cables, systems, and so many other technical details that we don't always check all of them, extra care must be taken. Search for technical data sheets, warranties and everything you can find out about this product which is a quarter of the price, in addition to checking what this company intends to launch in the coming months.

To learn more: read this post about Most common Black Friday scams.

2. The one that is semi-new

Websites with second-hand products often save our lives and pockets when they offer us semi-new items that, let's agree, leave nothing to be desired. However, it is always worth remembering that The sellers of these products are not going to say what they have wrong right off the bat, you have to ask a lot.

In addition, ask for photos with more details, date of purchase, warranty and everything else that could easily be forgotten with a little inattention. And of course: see how much the new product currently costs. If it's not at least half the price, it's not worth continuing.

3. The one that has no name

Always try to buy from the big stores that produce what you want to buy, and not from third-party shopping apps, unless they are very qualified, such as Magazine Luiza and Mercado Livre.

Also search the company's website and evaluate what they are like and what they offer, in addition to reading complaints and comments from other buyers on Google.

4. The one that is an expensive cheap

Many products are cheap. And of those cheap ones, a lot of them are bad.

Not because they are cheap in themselves, but because they are of low quality and have a very low lifespan when compared to other slightly more expensive options. For example, do you know that 10-real phone you had as a teenager that needed to be repurchased every two months? How much did you spend in total on this headset, which besides breaking had a very low audio quality? A lot.

Don't buy things that will later have to be repaired or changed in a short time while offering you a poor experience.

5. The one that is better to wait

Finally, it's always worth remembering: the biggest discount is when you don't buy.

Saving money to spend at other more appropriate times is a sign of maturity and understanding of what money should really mean: solution, not more problems.

In addition, this is a good opportunity to clean, repair, and revitalize what you already have so that it lasts much longer and you get back the amount you paid.

Happy shopping, and don't forget: the important thing is what you do with the camera, not its brand!

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