How to optimize the processes of my audiovisual production company?

We know what the daily life of an audiovisual producer is like. Meetings, briefings, filming, editing, post-production, approvals...

There are many processes and many tasks to be carried out, without planning and without the correct tools, it is almost impossible to scale the number of projects that your production company handles and thereby increase your company's results.

Optimizing processes means saving more time, either to serve more customers or to use it in other ways.

As much as you already have well-defined processes running within your business, we always have to seek to optimize, that is, to improve, improve their operation, increase their performance, and here's a tip: there is always room for improvement!

In this article we will teach you how to make the flow of some routine steps more efficient in the daily life of any agency/producer that works with video post-production:

Project Management Methodology

There are several methodologies for project management. The one we're going to recommend here is Scrum, or at least the basic principles.

With this framework, it is possible to clearly see where the project is standing: What remains to be started, what is in progress, what is to be reviewed and what has already been done.

You can use platforms like Trello to organize that flow. It is ideal, especially, for projects that are carried out in many stages, such as audiovisual productions.

Optimize customer feedback process

One of the tasks that takes the most time when it comes to projects that require external approvals from your team's collaborators is customer approval.

It is often difficult for the customer to access the file and even score all the feedback regarding the media. Then long audios enter WhatsApp, extensive email exchanges, and several messages with little clarity.

And a lack of clarity or understanding of what needs to be adjusted generates more rework.

Therefore, to optimize this process, tools such as Wolkie can be a great ally. You upload your file to the platform and, with a review link, send it to your client, who will not need to create an account to be able to watch the video directly from the browser, without having to download large and heavy files.

Inside the player itself Wolkie he will be able to make markings, add texts, comments and even draw if necessary, in the exact draft he needs, making the review process much more assertive.

Centralize media on a single server/cloud

Another extremely important point is the centralization of media in a single cloud, so that you don't have to waste time between several servers or different locations searching for the correct files.

I think it's well established for everyone who works with digital media that storing your files in the cloud, instead of external hard drives, for example, is the most practical and secure way to store and access media, since it can be accessed from anywhere with internet access and not have the risk of burning and you losing your precious files.

Some options are:

Thinking about optimizing processes for audiovisual producers, making Wolkie that focal point, it is possible to manage all the agency's media in one place, in specific folders, and when necessary, already share the link for review directly on the player to clients or collaborators.

So, did you already use any tool or methodology that we indicated here?

Do you want to know more about Wolkie and how he can be your production company's right arm when it comes to storage and revision?

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